Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week 11 Run

Wow - I can't believe we only have 3 long runs left before the marathon! Next week 18 miles, then 13, 19, 12, 20, 13, 8 - OMG! This past week, while I was running, I spent a lot of time (hard to believe, but you have so much time!) thinking about how truly lucky I am for my family, friends, and job. Also, how proud I am for running for Jumpstart, they are an amazing organization, and they are helping thousands of children grow.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Week 10 Run

WOW - 16 miles is a long run! Coach encouraged us to get our bodies use to walking and then getting back in the run for water stops - well, let me tell you, I gladly took a few of those! Knee was bothering me, but not too bad. Got lots of great advice from friends this week and worked my IT band like a mofo! And it was excellent!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love this!

The Finish

For months you prepare for the journey, a mere 26.2 miles. All downhill at the start, a drop of over 300 feet. But the hills near the end define the race. The hills of Newton dictate the training. Training to replicate race conditions, the wise runner mixes long runs with interval repeats on grades to strengthen the legs for the steep climb and steel them for the rugged descent.

Run, diet, rest; everything works together. Long range goals and short-term plans evolve into a race day strategy, culminating in achievement, satisfaction, and the realization of a dream.

We pay tribute to all who run the race!

(3rd floor Nike Town)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 9 Run

Today's run was great! The entire run I focused on energy conservation, not running too fast in the beginning and saving energy for the last few miles. At this point in the training I'm getting use to being uncomfortable and the end of the run, and focusing on positive things - like, holy crap, I can't believe I've run this far! Also, stretching (seems obvious) but I realized today I am not stretching enough. When I stop at the water break or for a stop light I make sure I'm stretching my legs and feet to keep my muscles from tensing up. Last week's run was so emotionally and physically depressing, I'm so thrilled my body is getting stronger and accustomed to long runs.